Sunday, June 05, 2005

every day in every way ...

Back to baby steps. Again. 3 things to do this week:
  • no crisps
  • drink 500 ml water every day
  • go to belly dancing (not been for weeks) and do 1 other excercise

Am trying to be positive rather than dwelling on how cr@p I've been lately. I might even go back to FatClub next week (can't this week, have a meeting on Wed eve).

Went on a bike ride today, something else I haven't done much of lately. 42 miles to Pemberley. There were hills (some I had to get off and push up) and now my bum hurts. But at least I can ride 40+ miles now - a few months ago doing 13 miles killed me. I need to at least keep up my excercising, even if everything else is out of control.


Jude said...

well done ms claz

M@rla said...

Are you still on for the Manchester 100? You're doing almost half the distance, that's great. I wish I could fly over and watch.

clarrie said...

Yes we're still doing Manchester 100 but we're doing the shorter ride ie 100 km not 100 miles. 100 km is about 62 miles, longest ride we've done yet was 45, so we're 73% there!

clarrie said...

Yes we're still doing Manchester 100 but we're doing the shorter ride ie 100 km not 100 miles. 100 km is about 62 miles, longest ride we've done yet was 45, so we're 73% there!

(posted again because it not showing up on mine for some reason?)

M@rla said...

Good for you! 62 miles is still a FECKload of cycling.