Wednesday, April 06, 2005

I hate my legs

I want to go to sleep but my legs won't let me. Fidget jiggle wriggle fidget. It's my come-uppance for drinking wine again - alcohol can sometimes (tho not always) make it worse. I have some pills for it but there's not much point taking them now - they take a while to work, and if I take them this late I know I'll have cotton wool for brains all morning tomorrow; also you're not supposed to mix them with booze. Bah.


Stephen said...

#3 daughter has the old restless leg syndrome, too. Not sure I ever mentioned that...

clarrie said...

awww, poor No.3 Red. It's really most unpleasant. And they have very little idea what causes it or how to treat it.

Jude said...

My legs have started to go realy sore when I lie down. What's that all about? Is there a doctor in the house?

clarrie said...

eep maybe you're legs are gonna drop off? you need to ask Nurse Trin about it