Tuesday, January 04, 2005

just thinking about it hurts

slow progress or no progress.

No exercise today or for the last 6 weeks (illness then crimbo). I forgot to weigh myself this morning. Although eating today so far has been v. good if you leave out the chocolates.

Tonight I will fix my bike while watching sleb fit club [1]. Tomorrow I will buy more fruit, I will eat more fruit (and not just bananas) and will go to aquarobics. Generally this week I will try to eat more 'sensibly' and next week I will start calorie counting.


I have this ludicrous idea to take up running at some point this year.

Ouch ouch.

And I have this horrible fear that I may have to join a Fat Club.

Ouch ouch ouch.

[1] oh that's another resolution that's already faltering. The one to spend less time staring at tv/computer screens. S'not my fault, Celebrity Big Brother starts this week. Yes I am weak but I am not alone.


Jude said...

In the middle of my fat club frenzy last yr I decided I wanted to run but couldn't find a free fat women only running place for some strange reason.

Stephen said...

Running is v good - best way to lose weight (as long as you don't think 'Oh, I'm going running, I can pig out' - then don't go running :(

Shrinking Girl said...

Chocolate should never count. It's a sad, sad thing that it actually does!