Monday, October 25, 2004

one day at a time

Today went good. Calories within budget, exercise done, all good. Even betterer, my aquarobics instructor said she thought I'd lost weight. Makes me think that even though I don't always do so well with weight loss, at least the exercise is making me a better shape.

Off for an early night now. Gotta get up early tomorrow to try and get some work in, before a fun filled day of rainy day child care. Feckin half-term holidays bah.

Daily Review
food/cals ~ 1530, eating 'good' things; fruit ~ 3 (apple, banana, melon); exercise ~ aquarobics; water ~ 2 litre; booze ~ 0


Jude said...

YAY we both survived the day. Now we survive tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

onya clazza! hope tuesday goes good too! (dg)