Monday, August 09, 2004

Well, Friday went OK, d*et-wise. Saturday was not quite so good - went to visit my parents and deserts were eaten. Sunday was generally a good eating day. I've had no choc or crisps or fizzy drinks for past 3 days, which is Good, and have drunk lots of water and eaten lots of fruit, which is also Good. Inspired by Jude, I got a pineapple and a slimming mag in Asda yesterday. The pineapple was great - we had huge fruit salad of pineapple and melon and grapes and apple and banana with low-fat greek yoghurt yum yum. Dunno why I bought the sl*imming mag, it was just the usual nonsense, plus free book on the cover "Only fat people skip breakfast". Haven't read it yet but not impressed. While skipping breakfast is A Bad Thing, the skinniest person I know never ever eats breakfast.

My d*et plan is, thus far, fairly minimal. I'm not counting calories (at least not for now). Just concentrating on portion control (eg weighing out breakfast cereal), drinking plenty of water and not eating too much crap. Plus doing exercise. Will see how that goes ...


Jude said...

stop slagging my free book ;) :oi:

Jude said...

pineapple rules my world, or in english, pineapple is dead good.