Saturday, September 04, 2004

Chocolate Pringles: narrow escape

aaargh they are after me! At the supermarket today they had put up a stand near the main door, and were offering free samples of the dreaded choccie pringles. I ran away very very fast ...


Trinity said...

you're so like me except I can't run away I have to have

Fatgirlthin said...

I probably would have taken TWO samples, Clazza. LOL

(Btw, I'm back!)

clarrie said...

I so nearly didn't run away. I mean, free chocolate! they were giving out free chocolate. But I gritted my teeth and was good. I deserve to lose at least 2 lb this week for this.

Stephen said...

I'd have had some... we went out for tea last night, and I had some dessert on the basis that I was going to the gym... but then didn't go cos I was too tired. Still, no alcohol last night for the first night in ages.